Friday, October 17, 2014

Stewardship Sunday

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

          I am so thrilled and excited that our Stewardship Ministry this weekend is presenting “Stewardship of Treasure.”  I first want to thank them for putting together the great video we will see in Church this weekend and all the time and energy they have put into this project.

          Whenever we come together as a family, as a parish, we realize and become aware of all that is needed to make our family a truly Holy one as our name sake, “Holy Family” indicates.  There are ministries, committees, sacramental preparation such as RCIA and Rel. Ed., liturgical events, socials, staff, grounds, maintenance, etc., etc., that keep our family vibrant.  These ministries and every aspect of our parish life depends on our generosity.

          I just want to share with you briefly here our income and expenses for last year. (Later in November a more detailed presentation will be given on our budget and future capital expenditures)  For the budget year of 2014 (July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014) we had a total income of $1,480,958.33 and total expenses of $1,422,519.75 giving us a $58,438.68 revenue.  Our parish is healthy financially and that is because of your kindness, generosity, and love.  With some of the recent capital expenditures and those that are on the near horizon will demand that we go into our savings to pay for costs.  Last year’s projected revenue was to be over $100,000 dollars but almost half went for capital expenditures and other unforeseen expenses.  The next two years will bring further needed (and much needed) renovation and repairs throughout our facilities causing both revenue and savings to decrease.

          I ask that as you make this prayer pledge to God that you keep in mind the needs of our family.  The needs also go beyond just monetary pledges, but also time, work, and prayer.  All are needed for us to continue and to excel as a vibrant community.  I will not ask or tell you how much more you should give; I leave that up to you and our Lord.  Please take home the cards as Fr. Sanjai, Dc. Jerry, Dc. Joe and I also will do and offer your prayer and treasure to God, for as we give to the Church we give to God.  I also know that some maybe struggling, again, if you cannot give financially please continue to pray for us and help in our ministries, from which there are many to choose from.

          I am humbled by your love, prayer, and service to our family.  Please know you are in my prayers each and every day.  May God continue to bless you and your families and friends with much grace, joy, and peace.  In Christ Jesus our Lord, Fr. John

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