Friday, May 3, 2013

Faith: Word and Action

The following statements or sayings are familiar to us, “put your money where your mouth is,” or “don’t just talk the talk, but walk the walk.”  But phrases or sentiments refer to action backing up what we say.  If I tell you one thing but do another I make myself a hypocrite or if I am just all words with no action I am like a loud noise that is simple just annoying.

In our Catholic belief we understand that actions must accompany words otherwise that faith, which is all words is just a dead faith (c.f. James chapter 2).  In today’s Gospel from John, Jesus says, “Whoever loves me will keep my word.” I liken it to a spouse who tells his wife from the altar “I do” but then does very little or next to nothing to make that vow a reality.  That would not be love in any way shape or form; rather it would be an empty promise.

Other Christians have taken on the notion that faith and accepting the Lord Jesus is pivotal for one’s salvation and that once someone does that and if their conversion was real and true then naturally they will produce good works and try live by Jesus’ words, if the person is a complete opposite of what they proclaimed originally then they were never saved to begin with.  That is all nice neat, but what happens when it is someone who seems to have been good and holy and then falls from grace, i.e. Jimmy Swagart or Jim Baker (two former Evangelists), caught cheating on their wives?

I am not saying that they are not Christian, they may very well actually be and their fall from grace is no different than any other sinner, but it is perseverance through all my falls that proves my love for God and His love for me.  It is a relationship based on a journey of a lifetime, yes one that has high moments throughout, i.e. sacraments, reversion or conversion moments, etc. but it can never be just one moment or just one magical saying, it must be perseverance in God’s Word and commandments, especially the two greatest commandments.

Remember: Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever loves me will keep my Word . . . “

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