Friday, June 21, 2013

Appointed to die once and then face our Lord

Even in the time of Jesus people believed in reincarnation.  Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?”  They responded, “Some say you are John the Baptist, others say you are Elijah, and others say, one of the ancient prophets has arisen.”  Now, it may not be reincarnation as we understand it today, but hints of it are there.  Why do I bring this up?  For two reasons, one) I wish to show that there is no such thing as reincarnation and two) to share with you what we believe happens to us when we pass from this life.

First off, what is reincarnation by definition, “Reincarnation is the religious or philosophical concept that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body that may be human, animal or spiritual depending on the moral quality of the previous life's actions.  This doctrine is a central tenet of Indian religions.” (Wikpedia)  Buddhism also believes in a type if reincarnation called, “rebirth,” a little more complex than Hindu beliefs, as it is based on consciousness, for our purposes suffice it to say that both major doctrines of rebirth or reincarnation come out of Hindu and Buddhist traditions.

What does the Church believe and teach regarding life and death?  The Church does not believe in reincarnation or rebirth (we believe we are born again at baptism, which is different, will explain at a later time) we believe that when a person dies they face Jesus in the first judgment and at the end of time, will face Jesus again at the final judgment or judgment of nations.  The letter to the Hebrews tells us, “it is appointed that human beings die once, and after this the judgment…”(Heb. 9:27)  Some did not die once, i.e. Lazarus, but he did not come back as someone else or was reborn in another consciousness, he came back as Lazarus, though he died twice.  Hebrews speaks of the rule not the exception that is very far and few between. 

Reincarnation also devalues human dignity, God made us, man and woman as the pinnacle of His creation.  There is an order to the universe and we are lifted (raised) above all else, not because of ourselves but rather that the Word of God took on flesh and became a human being.  To die and be reborn as an animal or insect devalues us on many levels.  It devalues us in a general sense and also as individual persons.  Are the same souls just being born over and over again, are we just recycled material?  If so, is Jesus recycled material?
Reincarnation does not respect the whole person, both body and soul.  It is the body’s fault when it transgresses and not the soul’s, hence, the soul is more trapped than free when it occupies a body.  In the theory of reincarnation the body is seen as a hindrance and simply as a shell, the soul is everything, the body nothing.  Again, this devalues creation and most of all the incarnation.
And yet, some Catholics hold to this belief.  I ask myself why?  I think for a number of reasons.

1)   They have a genuine feeling of humility that they cannot go to God because they are not ready or perfect yet, they must come back and become so in order to reach perfection.
My friends if you believe this you will be highly disappointed, yes we are challenged to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect, but we can never be so because of sin, so you will just have to keep coming back to earth forever.
2)   Some people simply love it here too much.  Your priorities are backwards.
3)   Some twist Scripture like today’s Gospel to prove that there is reincarnation; they do so to prove that they can believe in a non-Christian tenet and still be Christians.  It is not my place to say if you are a Christian or not, but reincarnation is not Christian no matter how much you may think to the contrary, it is NOT Christian.

More importantly for us is two things, one) why would I rather not be in heaven anyway, really, you want to come back here?  And two) who do we say Jesus is for us?

Reincarnation simply holds off our coming face to face with Jesus, I think some are trying to hold off the inevitable, judgment.  I also think that we have fallen too in love with this world.  Don’t get me wrong, we are to love life and all that God created.  He made all for our happiness, but we are to always love God more and our complete and most desirous longing is for God in heaven.

Finally, our lives begin and end with our Lord.  Jesus is our all and everything.  As I said to you before, he is more lover to us than any lover, more friend to us than any friend, and more brother to us than any brother (St. Augustine), knowing that and believing that our destination is not a return here, to be a worm, to be a bird, a lion, or a human again, rather it is a going home, to be with our Lord and God, once and for all and forever, Amen!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Bringing Down the Hammer: Catholic or Not!

Lately, reflecting on the religious situation in our country, especially that of Catholics, I cannot help to think that we are trying to draw lines in the sand too quickly.  There is a large contingent, and sometimes I am a part of it, that wants to see the official Church take a hard line approach to those politicians who are Catholic and clearly denounce, contradict, or move away from official Catholic teaching.  Many wish that Bishops either give strict warnings or even have politicians (who clearly defy Catholic teaching) excommunicated.

Some of the politicians that come to mind are Nancy Pelosi, Andrew M. Cuomo, and Joseph Biden.  There are others, but these three are some of the more high profile Catholic politicians who have either wavered seriously or even been opposed to some Catholic teachings, especially abortion and same sex marriage.

Church officials have been criticized as being too soft, cowardly, as wanting to remain in the big circle of high end friends, and many other accusations.  I myself am torn here, part of me wants a hard line approach, either be Catholic or get out.  But then another part of me thinks, well if you draw a hard line in the sand and are forced to expel some members from the group then all communication will cease.  For why in the world if I am the vice president of the United States would I dialogue with you if you have excommunicated me, I may tell you to actually go to… 

Are we not supposed to exhaust all possible communication and efforts before we excommunicate people?  Restraint and patience are tough virtues especially on hot button issues.  I think Bishops like Cardinal Dolan who have to deal with politicians like Cuomo are being resourceful and tactful.  Dolan is no coward, but rather a very smart man, who realizes that before he brings down the hammer he has to do so knowing that dialogue will then end and in the process will lose dialogue on the poor, on education, on immigration, etc.  To do anything in the heat of the moment is foolish, rather one is asked to reflect and pray deeply, to calm oneself down, in order to think straight and not make rash decisions.

Do not get me wrong, the day may be fast approaching where we will have to draw the line in the sand and we will have to stand behind our bishops when they do so, but I don’t think it is here just yet or that we have exhausted all possible means for change and dialogue.  Though sometimes it does feel that way and I myself have blurted out, “excommunicate that clown!”  But that is emotion, not restraint, patience, and prayer.  I am not sure that society, especially our politicians will change for the better, they may not, but like Jesus we have to practice patience.  Think of how patient the Lord is with us, we are to do the same and only bring down the hammer (so to speak) when absolutely necessary because if you swing the hammer often eventually it will clunk you on your own head, ouch!

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Voice of Truth Will Never Go Out

In some recent conversations, watching the news, and following some posts on face-book I could not help but notice that compassion on a spiritual level, one that keeps God in mind always looks to the good even in the light of any possible human suffering and one that chooses the good regardless of what society may wish.  Allow me to explain and please be patient as this unfolds.

When I read St. Paul’s letter to the Galatians for this Sunday’s 2nd reading there was a verse which made me recall all of the above, the verse in which he writes, “God set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me through his grace.”  I thought about that and how God knows us from the very beginning of our HUMAN existence which takes place at the moment of our conception.  Allow me for arguments sake to move the life of St. Paul forward into our own day and to go a step further.  What if St. Paul’s mother became pregnant out of wedlock at the age of seventeen in our 21st century?  Human compassion as it is understood now allows for St. Paul’s mother to decide if she will go through with the pregnancy or abort it.  Human compassion when it becomes devoid of God turns into false compassion which would call out to the mother with the following reasoning.

1)   You are too young to have a baby
2)   How will you take care of that child
3)   It is not fair to bring that child into the world to live with little to no means
4)   You had plans to go to college, find a job, and finally a husband, this will set you back
5)   Having a child out of wedlock may bring you shame
6)   How will you walk through the hallways in school with a belly with everyone knowing you are pregnant

All of the above is false compassion and if the mother goes through with the abortion then there would never have been a St. Paul!

False compassion if I may suggest rather strongly is actually demonic in nature as it is based on the lies of Satan, an angel of Light who at first looks beautiful, seemingly right, reasonable, and good, but when we dig a little we begin to notice that – that light is void of life, is actually ugly, unreasonable, and evil.

Let’s take a look at how false compassion works.  Just recently in the State of NY they are trying to pass a law onto consumers that they must be 21 years old to buy cigarettes.  Many laws have been passed where people can no longer smoke in restaurants, bars, and even the work place.  Some of these laws are good, since smoking is not healthy, however it is not illegal to smoke in your private place or in some places outside, but it is ridiculous to make the age 21 before someone wishes to smoke, when at the same time NY is trying to pass a law that will allow a 12 year old girl to go to a pharmacy and purchase the after morning pill in order to not become pregnant or to terminate any conception that has already taken place, all done without even the supervision of a parent or guardian.  However, if a 20 year old soldier just back from Iraq, a decorated combat veteran who has placed his life in harm’s way asks for a cigarette he will be denied because he must be 21.  These laws are upside down because compassion has been skewed and misdirected.

Another example is that if someone destroy an eagle egg they can be charged with a federal offense, but if a doctor performs an abortion and kills a HUMAN being there is no penalty, not only is it not a penalty but it has been twisted into a good, all in the name and protection of a person’s choice, again compassion has been redirected through lies from the father of lies.
If you remember sometime ago Michael Vick found himself in a world of trouble for sponsoring dog fights and even for the cruel, unjust, and torturous behavior towards dogs.  He was rightfully punished, because it is sinful to harm an animal for harm’s sake or for one’s pleasure, it is sick actually.  If you recall, the Michael Vick story received unbelievable amounts of attention and air time in the media,hour after hour, day after day, for weeks on end.  Michael Vick had become the world’s biggest monster.  However, when Doctor Gosnell was arrested for the killing of babies who had survived botched abortions the media only covered it for a few days and then buried the story, no real outcry, not nearly the attention Michael Vick received for killing dogs.  As a society we are more outraged at cruelty to animals than to human beings or even eagle eggs.

My friends please don’t misunderstand me, I like animals and cruelty to animals should not go unpunished, but when compared to human beings, well there is no comparison in terms of the value and dignity of a human life.
In the end it all comes down to choice or the power of choice.  Radicals keep harping about choice, be it a women’s choice to end the life of a human being in her womb, be it the choice to allow a twelve year old girl to purchase an after morning pill, be it a choice to give more airtime to a dog killer than a killer of human lives, be it a choice to end someone’s life via assisted suicide because it is more compassionate to end a life than to allow someone to remain on the Cross with Christ.   Human suffering is very hard, almost unbearable, but to end a life simply due to compassion is wrong,  Job did not end his life nor did Christ come down from the Cross, but rather through their suffering they brought peace to others and in the case of Christ He brought us salvation.  False compassion says, “Jesus, get down from that Cross, Job just give up, and to all of you just choose what’s good for you.”  All of it is based on lies.  Compassion is taken and twisted looking as though it was a good, but in fact it becomes evil, no different than what we do when we sin, we justify it.

My friends I feel very strongly about all of this.  Society is moving in the wrong direction, leaders simply appease people or their voters; we have become more and more hedonistic.  St. Paul is clear, “God set me apart from my mother’s womb.”  That means God is already in relationship with a person, in this case St. Paul.  I cannot understand either on a biblical level or through my understanding of the natural law how a person can actually believe they have a choice to terminate a human life in the womb?

What are we to do about it?  We must become a voice that shouts from the roof tops that this is wrong and invite people back to the Gospel Truth, one that is understood via Scripture but also through common sense.  Some will shut us out, others will mock us, and eventually the way society is heading we will be labeled as people of hate, hate speech will be made a crime (already the case in Canada), intolerant and slowly things will be taken away from us, and maybe that which we preach may even one day be considered criminal.  But that will not stop us because we speak in behalf of Christ.

Nothing stopped St. Paul, he didn’t care if they whipped him, stoned him, dragged him through the streets, he preached and preached because even though they killed him in the end and now he is a glorious martyr they could never extinguish his voice because the voice of Christ will never go out, Amen!