Friday, January 3, 2014

Epiphany: The Bringing of Our Gifts

The Gifts that we bring to others expresses the deep recesses of our hearts.  The magi (or some traditions have them as kings, wisemen, or astronomers) were Gentiles who came seeking the Christ child to present Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  The gold was a gift for a king, the frankincense the gift for a priest, and the myrrh for his burial.  The gifts were telling indeed, but more important than the gifts they actually gave were the gifts of themselves.  The magi knelt down in front of the infant child and worshipped Him as Lord and God.  Their coming to Bethlehem signified two things, one) that salvation was for all and two) it begs a question of us – what gifts will we bring.

Salvation was and is not just for one particular people, though the Jews were and still are the apple of God’s eye, since it was to them that the first and most direct revelation of God took place, via the ancient fathers, i.e. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and to the prophets.  But God’s revelation as Scripture has it, “In these last days He has given us His Son.”  The Revelation of God is now face to face as I had mentioned on Christmas and that face to face relationship is open and accessible to all.  Remember Scripture, “For God so loved the world that He gave us His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him may not perish, but may have eternal life.”  And it goes even further, “God desires that all be saved and come to repentance” or as in another place, come to the truth.  Isn’t it odd how some people can judge and place people in hell, they can predict or better put determine if they have committed a mortal sin, and without hesitation let them know they will go to hell if they do not repent.  This kind of thinking does not only come from some of the laity but from some priests.  Please do not misunderstand me, “THERE IS MORTAL SIN!”  But I cannot determine if you committed such, only the person who has examined their own conscience before God can do so, the priest or another person can be a guide, spiritual director, confessor to help you determine such, but in the end it is always between the person and God.  Obviously if you are convicted of mortal sin and confess such in confession I will respect and honor that conclusion as long as the three criteria for mortal sin are present. 

My friends we need to be more positive, we need to see Jesus winning souls, and if there are souls who wind up in hell we leave that to the Lord, for again, “God desires that all be saved.”

We can never truly repay the gift that Jesus has given us.  If you start to think of all the sins we have committed throughout our entire lives, they are many some we do not even think are sins and sometimes we like to remain ignorant so that we can continue in our vice.  I am not going to go through a laundry list of sins, if you are honest with yourself and most of all with God, His Spirit will convict you.  Just because you may have justified the action or way of life for yourself doesn’t make it right or good, the action and the way of life must always be measured with God’s will as revealed in Scripture and through the Sacred Tradition of the Church.

Going back to our gifts, since Christ has given us salvation and for free, what then have I returned to Him as a gift.  Today the magi brought beautiful gifts, but the greatest gift was their pure worship.  We should always give that, but we must also give our gifts to our families, friends, at work, and even here in our Church.

You know and I have repeated it before, your gifts are beautiful and amazing and Fr. Nick and I pray you will share them with your parish family.  We have such great need of you and we have plenty of ministries.  Soon and very soon I will begin asking you personally.  I will find you and ask you face to face, just as our Lord went and found His Apostles.  I ask that you do not sell yourselves short.  I have been here almost two years and I cannot say enough about you all, you are good and you are precious.  I have seen your goodness and kindness.  I have taken note of your gifts and they are many.  God is asking you for more than just mass or a few more dollars in the envelope.  The Kings traveled quite a distance to see the infant child, and maybe so have you, I ask that you like the kings leave the Christ child gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, but that you also give something more, that you give Him your hearts through service to your neighbor.  Peace be with you.

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